Our Services

Group Classes
We offer a variety of classes to suit the needs of every dog, at every training level. All classes are upbeat and positive. Here’s a brief description of each of our classes offered. If you have any specific questions or aren’t sure which class is right for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Tips and Tricks For Every Dog in Today's World
For the past two years, many dogs haven't had enough exposure to the world. Covid-19 has kept us isolated and prevented many dogs from experiences they might normally have. Now that we're going out a bit more, this can be overstimulating and overwhelming for some dogs. Or, you just don't know where to begin. This 4 week class will give you tips and skills to help your dog experience the world in a FUN, positive way! They will learn to focus on your more, encounter new situations with enthusiasim instead of worry and you'll improve your dogs recall too!
Puppy Kindergarten
For all Puppies ages 7-17 Weeks. Emphasis on good manners, socialization, basic training and safety. The BEST possible start for any puppy. You'll learn about preventing all of those unwanted behaviors from ever getting started, how to give your puppy NEW and POSITIVE experiences and to start working as a team from day one!
Middle School / Good Manners 1
For all of you dogs of any age who missed Kindergarten (older than 16 weeks). An introduction to all of the basics above, plus extra tutoring for those “perfectly normal” doggie habits humans might find undesirable.
High School / Good Manners II
For graduates of either Kindergarten or Middle School, OR for someone who has taken an introductory class elsewhere. Dogs and handlers are challenged to "take things to the next level" and improve upon the basics. More reliability, more distractions and more fun!
Come Here! Yes, I Mean Now!
This 4 week class is specifically designed to teach dogs to COME when they are called, RELIABLY! This is the only topic that is covered in class. The ONLY prerequisite is that your dog gets along well with other dogs, as they will be running free, off leash
Reactive Rover
Have you stopped taking your dog for walks or out in public because of what happens when they see another dog or person? Does he or she become unmanageable….barking, growling, lunging and frantic to the point where you want to run away in embarrassment? Have you stopped inviting friends over because your dog has no impulse control with guests coming into the house? If this sounds like something you’ve experienced, there IS help! We will give you the tools to help your dog remain calm, focused and appropriate. With a lots of practice and patience your dog will learn to practice more self-control, look at another dog or stranger without reacting, and find a more desirable behavior you can practice that’s fun and MUCH more appropriate.
Canine Good Citizen
Started in 1989, CGC is a certification program that is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club. This class will prepare you for the evaluation and reinforce all of the skills needed for successfully passing the evaluation. For more detailed information on the Canine Good Citizen program and it’s benefits, visit the CGC section of the American Kennel Club’s website at www.akc.org
In Home - Private Training
Some folks prefer individual attention. Maybe you have kids at home class times are too late? Maybe a group environment just isn't for you. We've got solutions with either in person at home consults or virtual consults via Zoom!
With time, patience and the proper approach, many common behavioral problems can be addressed and solved. Whatever the issue, we’ll work together to develop a plan for success. Many of today’s behavioral problems can be attributed to “miscommunications” between the dog and the owner. Unfortunately, many of us are under the assumption that our dog’s will, “grow out of it,” and we wait too long to address the issues, thereby allowing them to be reinforced and practiced, which can sometimes make them much more difficult to solve. Behavior problems don’t go away on their own. Often, they either stay the same or get worse. If your dog is having a particular issue, we’ll evaluate the problem and develop and plan an guidelines to address it, together.
Some common behavior problems we can work on: (just a partial list)
Excessive Chewing
Fear, Shyness and Anxiety Issues
Aggression and/or Reactivity Toward People
Aggression and/or Reactivity TowardsDogs
Pulling and Lunging
NEW! - "Virtual Training"
During this trying time, it's easy to let things go! Puppies still need instruction and for adult and adolescent dogs, it can be a perfect time to focus on improving your relationship and making great strides. Virtual consults are done via the ZOOM app on either a smartphone, tablet or laptop and allow us to "connect" to problem solve and goal set. I'm able to provide real time instruction, guidance and feedback. Because there is no travelling, virtual consults are done at a bit of a discounted rate. Feel free to call or email today if you'd like to talk more about what we can accomplish.